A spaceship with tracer behind.
A shaceship with tracer behind
A green planet.
An orange planet.
A pinkish planet.

Let's explore together

Come join us at the Community Science Museum where we're committed to making science accessible to all.

Over the course of human history, science has developed from our early understanding of fire, wind, water, and earth to exploring everything from galaxies far away to the very building blocks of life itself.

Let's explore together





The museum is located at Kongens gate 40, 4608 Kristiansand S.


Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 10:00 - 16:00

Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00

Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00

Friday: 10:00 - 19:00

Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00

Sunday: 09:00 - 13:00


The entrance is free for all.


Are you a young person looking to learn more about science? Come on down to our museum, there's plenty to see and do.

You can learn about Newtonian physics from our bumper swing, or why not travel back in time and meet our resident Woolly Mammoth? Our exhibits are designed to be accessible for interested minds, so make sure you come ready to learn and explore.

あなたは科学についてもっと学びたいと思っている若い人ですか。 私たちの博物館に来てください。見ることやすることがたくさんあります

バンパー スイングからニュートン物理学について学ぶことができます。または、過去にさかのぼって、常駐のウーリー マンモスに会ってみませんか? 私たちの展示は、関心のある人がアクセスできるように設計されているので、学び、探索する準備ができていることを確認してください.